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“Remembering the past, shaping the future.”

Remember MEdia is a start-up company that is set to offer a groundbreaking mobile solution that helps older adults and people with dementia stay connected to their past, loved ones, and memories.

Remember MEdia is dedicated to breaking down technological barriers to keep older adults connected to their past, loved ones and memories because we understand the profound impact this can have on individuals—not only older adults and people with dementia, but also their families & caregivers.

Additionally, this initiative can positively influence organizations serving these communities.

  • Development

    Our software is currently under development in Sweden, a leading country around the World for eldercare.

  • Ethics

    We are an experiential learning partner with the Goodman School of Business at Brock University this fall to study the ethical framework surrounding Remember MEdia.

  • Privacy

    We are still keeping some of our software details private because we want to be the first to build on this great idea and ensure it is done right, with our users privacy prioritized!

  • Innovation

    We are a member of Brock Universities Brock LINC program which continues to help us innovate and connect with community partners.